Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Berhenti merokok dengan rokok ?
Semua orang tau merokok itu dapat merusak kesehatan, tapi tetap saja orang-orang membeli rokok. Bahkan tanpa disadari satu hari bisa menghabiskan beberapa bungkus rokok. Bayangkan berapa banyak uang yang anda hamburkan?? Ditambah lagi masalah penyakit yang akan muncul dikemudian hari. Berapa banyak kerugian yang anda alami? Uang habis sia-sia, kesehatan anda terganggu. Tetapi berbeda bila anda menghisap RokokHerbal,dijamin penyakit menjauh dan kesehatan anda tetap terjaga,karena RokokHerbal adalah rokok yang menyehatkan. Kalau anda sayang diri anda,maka segera ganti rokok lama anda dengan RokokHerbal sekarang juga anda buktikan dan rasakan semua manfaatnya. Anda pasti tidak akan pernah menyesal. Semuanya kini ada ditangan anda,bergabung atau tidak toh tiap hari anda pasti beli rokok juga... Wassalam. akan saya bahas kelanjutannya dalam bahasa bisnis MLM. Ok
Apa Sih Rokok Herbal??
Rokok Herbal adalah rokok yang terbuat dari puluhan ramuan yang diolah menjadi bahan campuran tembakau pilihan untuk Rokok sehingga mampu menetralkan kandungan TAR dan NIKOTIN.
Ramuan yang juga berfungsi sebagai jamu terapi kesehatan tersebut merupakan warisan leluhur tanpa bahan kimia maupun candu. Terdiri dari beberapa ramuan tradisional dan rempah-rempah yang berfungsi melancarkan peredaran darah, membersihkan racun dalam tubuh terutama pada saluran pernapasan, tenggorokan, dan paru-paru.
Rasa Rokok Herbal secara umum adalah khas rasa Rokok yang pernah dibuat dan dinikmati oleh Raja-Raja Kerajaan Majapahit dan tersebar di seluruh dunia pada masanya. Sudah tentu sesuai dengan karakter cita rasa peRokok Nusantara.
Setelah dilakukan penelitian di laboratorium, Rokok Herbal menunjukkan bahwa kadar “Nikotin Rokok Herbal” sangat rendah, bahkan dinyatakan mendekati 0%.
Beberapa bahan yang terkandung dalam puluhan bahan ramuan Rokok Herbal diantaranya adalah :
How to Lose Weight by Cooking with Splenda
Splenda is a sugar substitute, which is excellent for helping you lose weight. When starting a diet, you should consider limiting your sugar intake and one way to do this is to start using artificial sweeteners in your meals. Cooking with Splenda has many benefits, but the most important reason for using this product is to begin the path to a healthy lifestyle.
Add Splenda to your tea and coffee in the morning.
Since Splenda tastes just as sweet as sugar, you can use it in your tea or coffee in the morning to get that little boost of sweetness. You may not realize how much sugar you are drinking – most people use a tablespoon or more per every cup of coffee, and some people drink three or four cups every morning. Switching to Splenda in the mornings is an easy way to cut a lot of sugar out of your life. While you are at it, you can add it to cereal and fruit in the morning too if you typically use sugar.
Use Splenda in your drinks throughout the day.
Like with coffee or tea, most people do not realize how much sugar they drink every day. Soda, punch, juice, and most other drinks are loaded with sugar, and even diet versions of your favorite drinks might be more sugar-filled than you would expect. You do not have to cut out drinks completely and just choose water. Instead, look for unsweetened drink mixes that are low in calories and add your own sweetener to give it that sweetness that you enjoy. You can also use Splenda in place of sugar when mixing drinks for the kids. Be aware that everything you drink, including beer, wine, cocktails, orange juice, milk, and sports drinks, could contain more sugar than you realize.
Make desserts with Splenda instead of sugar.
Most people find that desserts are a main cause of sugar in one’s diet. Even desserts that do not seem very sweet or use fruits and honey as natural sweetener can have a lot of sugar in them. This is especially true of prepackaged food, since sugar helps with preservation. Instead of picking up a supermarket cake or buying a package of cookie, get into the kitchen and bake desserts yourself. Replace the sugar with Splenda, and you will cut out a ton of calories, making it easier for you to lose weight.
Cook with Splenda when you make breads and other meal items.
Desserts are not the only place you will find sugar in your diet. Many people are surprised to find that their dinners are packed with calories due to excess sugar. Foods that you do not even necessarily consider sweet, like bread and pasta, are made using sugar, and again, this is especially a problem in pre-packaged foods. Get in the kitchen and replace the sugar in recipes with Splenda.
Do not use Splenda in a "reward" system with your food or to curb cravings.
Studies have shown that the brain does not perceive Splenda and sugar in the same way, even though they taste the same as far as sweetness goes. That does not make Splenda bad, just different. When you are having a weak moment with your diet, do not count solely on Splenda to kill the cravings. Instead, focus on healthy snacks that have natural sweetness. Fruit is a good option.
Arianna Jordan is a freelance writer who writes about fitness, health and dieting. Ms. Jordan also writes about specific ingredients and products such as sugar-free cooking and Splenda.
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Free Video Coaching Content for Affiliate Marketers
If you are like millions of other workers around the globe, you are seeing firsthand the wisdom of having diversified income streams. This is not a breach of loyalty. But rather, this is the wisest way to live in this global economy.
The internet offers you the opportunity to make a go of starting a business that does not depend upon boundaries like your office cubicle. If you are keen to get involved with affiliate marketing you can earn enough to sustain your current living standard or even if you really want to press the envelop you can make more money that you've ever made before.
To aid you in learning the fundamentals of affiliate marketing you can access free online video coaching content that won't cost you a dime. After gaining access to this information that millions of other people are paying dearly for, you'll think me. But I want you to do one thing further. Use what you learn and share it with other people. Strive to help someone else out.
Zig Ziglar was correct when he said, "You can get whatever you want out of life IF you help enough other people get what they want out of life."
That little saying has taken him to stardom as a coach and master salesman. He learned this and I believe that you can be blessed to by looking out for the interest and wellbeing of others to.
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways for you to earn as you learn you new trade. Take the video coaching content that we offer and select a program or service to market. You can start on your own to make revenue like you never dreamed would be possible before.
Affiliates earn a commission whenever someone that they refer to a vendors products purchases something. Listen, shopping online is a multi billion dollar market. And you should really try to access some of those dollars to.
As far as the types of programs and products you should marketing. you should concentrate on programs like Bizrate and Shopzilla. The two programs operate separately but they have been around for a long time. This is just an example of the types of programs you should join. This is done to avoid getting involved with programs and getting burned. You can something joins programs and when the commission checks don't come in you discover that you have been left unpaid by the vendor. This doesn't make all vendors bad. It is something worth avoiding if you can.
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Free Affiliate Coaching is Available, if You Know Where to Look
Affiliate marketing coaching is available for very affordable rates, or sometimes even for free, if you know where to look. Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative, and many people are earning thousands of dollars per day, however, these people didn't get there on their own or by reading a few eBooks. People who are earning big bucks online have been mentored and advised extensively by other successful associates in the industry, and even after becoming successful continue to turn to their network for advice, support, input and feedback. They will tell you that the affiliate support and coaching they have gotten is the #1 factor contributing to their success, and that they would never have achieved what they have if they had tried to go it alone.
So why is getting affiliate support and coaching so important? There are several reasons. First of all it is important to get good affiliate support and coaching to ensure that you are learning the right things. The Internet is changing so rapidly, and methods that worked well just last month may not be applicable today. Successful affiliates understand and stay informed of the trends, the highs and lows, the market demands, new techniques and marketing tools, etc. A coach can ensure that you are not chasing shadows, and will teach you how to research and analyze the market for yourself.
One-on-one affiliate coaching is essential to the newbie affiliate, to get direction, to develop an action plan for learning, and start off on a firm foundation. One of the most common mistakes made by newbies is trying to learn on their own by reading eBooks or taking online courses and tutorials. The problem with these is that they don’t have a learning structure, and without a solid understanding of the basics first, it is easy to get lost, discouraged, and overwhelmed. The affiliate who tries to learn on his own will soon find himself purchasing more and more products, as each purchase leads him to the next "recommendation".
Affiliate marketing consultation or coaching typically costs around $150 per hour, but is available for much cheaper, or even free, if you know where to look and are serious about learning. Many millionaire affiliates are willing to offer advice and coaching to others struggling in the industry. Many of them offer free coaching to newbies whom they know are serious about success, simply because they want to help others.
There are also an affiliate marketing school and an affiliate marketing university that provides free affiliate coaching, one-on-one mentoring and tons of affiliate support to their students. Both of these schools also boast a community forum for their members, where you can get tons of advice, support, tips and coaching from the best minds in the industry, for free. So before you spend hundreds of dollars to get affiliate coaching, find the free sources that are available. Expensive doesn't always mean better.
For more information about affiliate marketing schools and training, and to GET YOUR FREE COPY of the best selling eBook "Finding Hot Markets and Keywords" go to
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