Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Free Affiliate Coaching is Available, if You Know Where to Look

Affiliate marketing coaching is available for very affordable rates, or sometimes even for free, if you know where to look. Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative, and many people are earning thousands of dollars per day, however, these people didn't get there on their own or by reading a few eBooks. People who are earning big bucks online have been mentored and advised extensively by other successful associates in the industry, and even after becoming successful continue to turn to their network for advice, support, input and feedback. They will tell you that the affiliate support and coaching they have gotten is the #1 factor contributing to their success, and that they would never have achieved what they have if they had tried to go it alone.

So why is getting affiliate support and coaching so important? There are several reasons. First of all it is important to get good affiliate support and coaching to ensure that you are learning the right things. The Internet is changing so rapidly, and methods that worked well just last month may not be applicable today. Successful affiliates understand and stay informed of the trends, the highs and lows, the market demands, new techniques and marketing tools, etc. A coach can ensure that you are not chasing shadows, and will teach you how to research and analyze the market for yourself.

One-on-one affiliate coaching is essential to the newbie affiliate, to get direction, to develop an action plan for learning, and start off on a firm foundation. One of the most common mistakes made by newbies is trying to learn on their own by reading eBooks or taking online courses and tutorials. The problem with these is that they don’t have a learning structure, and without a solid understanding of the basics first, it is easy to get lost, discouraged, and overwhelmed. The affiliate who tries to learn on his own will soon find himself purchasing more and more products, as each purchase leads him to the next "recommendation".

Affiliate marketing consultation or coaching typically costs around $150 per hour, but is available for much cheaper, or even free, if you know where to look and are serious about learning. Many millionaire affiliates are willing to offer advice and coaching to others struggling in the industry. Many of them offer free coaching to newbies whom they know are serious about success, simply because they want to help others.

There are also an affiliate marketing school and an affiliate marketing university that provides free affiliate coaching, one-on-one mentoring and tons of affiliate support to their students. Both of these schools also boast a community forum for their members, where you can get tons of advice, support, tips and coaching from the best minds in the industry, for free. So before you spend hundreds of dollars to get affiliate coaching, find the free sources that are available. Expensive doesn't always mean better.

For more information about affiliate marketing schools and training, and to GET YOUR FREE COPY of the best selling eBook "Finding Hot Markets and Keywords" go to

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